2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Roof Top BBQ Party in Crossroad Backpackers Seoul, Korea

hello backpackers! have a nice trip!
We're South Korea, Seoul Guesthouse
Crossroad Backpackers!
070 - 7532 - 1994

you can reservate here in  Booking.com

Hello Backpackers in the World!!

Today, Crossroad backpackers in seoul, Korea

 BBQ party in ROOF TOP
 in Crossroad Backpackers Seoul, Korea
We called party - guesthouse in Seoul by ourselves.
Because we always try to make a party in our hostel.
We can make backpackers happy at roof top in our hostel with
Lots of food!
Let's check it out!
* Hotdog


*Duck BBQ
In this place,
we hope every backpackers get a great memory in Seoul.
This is a good chance to make a friend in
Crossroad Backpackers in Seoul, Korea.
That's why backpackers want to stay guest house in Seoul!

R . U  Ready?
Always you can join for communication with other backpackers in
Crossroad Backpackers in Seoul, Korea!
Make a unforgettable memory

when you stay our Guesthouse in Seoul, Korea.

you can reservate here in  Booking.com
070 - 7532 - 1994
Backpackers in Seoul.
The place to make your travel more memorable with people. Crossroad Backpackers.

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