2013년 5월 16일 목요일

Crossroad Backpackers in T.V program named 'VJ JOE'

hello backpackers! have a nice trip!
We're South Korea, Seoul Guesthouse
Crossroad Backpackers!

070 - 7532 - 1994

you can reservate here in  Booking.com

Hello Backpackers in the World!!
KBS - the biggest broastcast for T.V in Korea
 Crossroad backpackers in seoul, Korea!!
* 29TH MAR,2013
"Video Journalist JOE" is very famous n' popular in Korea.
According to an audience rating survey,
this program displayed average viewer ratings of about 10 percent.
This is a shot in VJ JOE.
Kenneth N' Mason
Crossroad Backpackers Guesthouse hostel in Seoul, Korea 's Tour Leader n' Host
have been taking care of everything even tiny stuff for
our guest in Crossroad Backpackers Guesthouse Hostel in Seoul, Korea.
Kenneth who is Tour Leader n' Host
Crossroad Backpackers Guesthouse hostel in Seoul, Korea
had an interview about Crossroad Backpackers in Seoul, Korea.
Mason who is Tour Leader n' Host
Crossroad Backpackers Guesthouse hostel in Seoul, Korea
had an interview about Crossroad Backpackers in Seoul, Korea.
As remarked in VJ JOE,
We've been doing our best for our guest!
Visit Seoul, Korea
Stay in  Crossroad backpackers!!

you can reservate here in  Booking.com
070 - 7532 - 1994
Backpackers in Seoul.
The place to make your travel more memorable with people. Crossroad Backpackers.


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